October 4, 2021

6:00-6:30 PM Meet & Greet with EW Jackson Sr and Warren Norred

6:30-8:00 PM Meeting

Warren Norred

Vaccine and Mask Mandate Litigation

Key Note Speaker EW Jackson Sr

America is a gift to us – What will you do with the gift?   (Romans 11:29)

Location: 910 N Main St, Weatherford

Please note the temporary change in venue

We are truly blessed to have the opportunity to hear from E.W. Jackson, a Christian Conservative who served in the U.S. Marine Corps. E.W. hosts the National Awakening Conference Call weekly and is a daily talk show host on American Family Radio. He has been a guest on Fox News Channel, One America News and written articles for American Thinker, The Washington Times and other publications. He won the Republican nomination for Lt. Governor of Virginia in 2013. If you have never heard E.W speak, we PROMISE you will not be disappointed!

We will also hear from Warren Norred, a conservative attorney who has been on the frontline fighting against mask mandates. He is now preparing litigation against mandatory vaccinations and is a candidate to become our next state senator in the new senate district 10.

E.W. Jackson Sr.

E.W. Jackson was born in Chester, Pennsylvania. He joined the United States Marine Corps in 1970 and was honorably discharged in 1973. He went on to graduate Summa Cum Laude with a Phi Beta Kappa Key from the University of Massachusetts at Boston in 1975, and from Harvard Law School in 1978. While in law school, he studied at Harvard Divinity School and was licensed as a Baptist minister. He was ordained as a Pastor in 1979 and consecrated a Bishop in 1998.

He practiced law for 15 years in Boston, and was an adjunct professor at Northeastern University and Strayer University. He is the Founder of The Called Church headquartered in Chesapeake, Virginia and S.T.A.N.D. – Staying True to America’s National Destiny, a national nonprofit organization with a mission to bring Americans together across racial and cultural lines to preserve our Judeo- Christian values and heritage. He and his wife, Theodora, founded the Chesapeake Martin Luther King Leadership Breakfast, the William Jackson Youth Center and the Maximum Potential Christian Academy – a Christian school for students K-12.

He is the host of “The Awakening” a national radio talk show on American Family Radio, with 200 radio stations and live streamed around the world at 1 PM Eastern time Monday through Friday. He is the host of Wisdom Awakening which live-streams at 8:30 AM Monday through Friday on BishopEWJackson.tv, Facebook and other venues. He is the author of three books: “Ten Commandments to an Extraordinary Life,” “12 Principles to Make Your Life Extraordinary” and “Sweet Land of Liberty” – Reflections of a Patriot descended of Slaves, scheduled to be published later this year.

He has been a guest on Fox Cable News, News Max, One America News, CBN World News, C- Span’s Washington Journal and other television and radio networks and programs. His national television program Vision Awakening will air on a variety of networks in September.

Bishop Jackson has been a candidate for U.S. Senate and the Republican nominee for Lt. Governor of Virginia.

He and his wife, Theodora, have been married for 50 years, have 3 children and reside in Virginia.

Click here to visit the STAND Foundation website

Warren Norred

Warren Norred is a frequent speaker on regulatory reform, government transparency, education, constitutional matters, and internet-based legal issues. In connection with his work on government overreach regarding COVID-19 regulations, Norred appeared on several national news programs, including Tucker Carlson Tonight, Ben Shapiro, and Fox & Friends.

Warren is an electrical engineer and attorney with experience in bankruptcy, intellectual property and many types of litigation. He began as an engineer, earning a BS and MSEE from the University of Texas at Arlington, became a licensed Professional Engineer in 1996, and founded an engineering practice and successful technical sales organization that stretched across four states. Mr. Norred earned his law degree in 2007 from Texas A&M University School of Law, where he was president of the Federalist Society and an author for the TEXAS WESLEYAN LAW REVIEW. He immediately opened his own practice, Norred Law, PLLC, and has operated a business boutique law firm in downtown Arlington focused on small business – including intellectual property, bankruptcy and litigation of all types. He is licensed to practice before all courts in Texas, the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the Fifth and Ninth Circuits, the Federal Circuit, and the Supreme Court. Mr. Norred is active in the Federalist Society, an Allied Attorney with the Alliance Defending Freedom, and also works with the Goldwater Institute, the Electronic Freedom Foundation, and Institute for Justice. He has previously set on the Board of Managers for Tarrant County’s John Peter Smith Hospital, currently sits on the Arlington Chamber of Commerce Public Policy Advisory Committee and Board of Directors of Arlington Classics Academy, and serves as Chancellor of the Fort Worth Diocese of the Anglican Church in North America.

Click here to visit Warren Norred Campaign